One of the more exciting bits from yesterday’s OS x Lion announcement was the price point: Just $30 – and what makes this even more incredible is that one low price allows you to legitimately install Lion on up to 5 Macs!

This means that the “family pack” is a thing of the past – this is great news for multiple Mac households, and may be one of the most spectacular aspects of the Lion release. In order to take advantage, all of the machines should be linked under the same Apple ID – downloading and installing of Lion all takes place via the Mac App Store.
The lingering question is how Apple is planning on making Lion work in situations where group licensing is required, such as in school, workplaces, or public libraries – I’m sure they’ll announce some kind of site licensing, but I wonder what the price points will look like…
Mac OS X Lion is set for public release in July of this year, only from the Mac App Store, and will cost just $29.99.
[Via OSXDaily]