Having just finished their acquisition request for T-Mobile USA, AT&T has released a shorter version for the average Joe to read – and we recommend you do, since it involves AT&T finally owning up to their failure with the iPhone.

In the release, AT&T owns up to being ill-prepared to deal with demands of iPhone users. They state that a smartphone pumps 24 times the amount of data as a traditional phone, and the iPhone and iPad use even more data than that. This apparently pushed the company’s data usage to a level nearly 8,000 percent higher than it was prior to the launch of the iPhone.
The presser wraps up the passage about smartphone data by saying that AT&T faces “network capacity constraints more severe than those of any other wireless provider.”
The short version of their entire argument is that, since their network is so massive, they need to purchase T-Mobile to help them out with the strain.
Your thoughts? Sound off in the comments!