Surprise! The iPad 2 is the best tablet device. But that's not Steve Jobs saying that for the millionth time.
Consumer Report released their tablet ratings and they have ranked the iPad 2 as the best tablet on the market.
Consumer Reports tested tablets from Archos, Dell, Motorola, Samsung, and ViewSonic, as well as several models from Apple. Each tablet was evaluated on 17 criteria, including touch-screen responsiveness, versatility, portability, screen glare, and ease of use, and testers found several models that outperformed the rest. The Apple iPad 2 with Wi-Fi plus 3G (32G), $730, topped the Ratings, scoring Excellent in nearly every category. The first-generation iPad, $580, also outscored many of the other models tested but tied with the Motorola Xoom, $800.
"So far, Apple is leading the tablet market in both quality and price, which is unusual for a company whose products are usually premium priced," said Paul Reynolds, Electronics Editor at Consumer Reports. "However, it's likely we'll see more competitive pricing in tablets as other models begin to hit the market."
The report also found that the iPad 2 out performed battery life of the Dell Streak 7 tablet by a massive 8 hours when both devices played the same video on loop. But most importantly, the report confirms that you get what you paid for. Paying a few hundred notes more for an iPad over one of the cheaper rivals is money well spent if you want to use a tablet that "just works".
The consumer report is available to view on their site (subscription required) and will feature in their May edition of the Consumer Report magazine.